SGEG have developed a new free national recognition scheme to enable your club to reach a high standard of environmental excellence and gain recognition and a certificate in one or more of these areas of environmental management::


This is not a competiton between clubs, but a standard of excellence that all golf facilities can aspire to achieve no matter what size, ownership or location. It includes the golf course, clubhouse and maintenance facility.
The scheme is supported by:
The benefits to your club:
- Demonstrates to members, visitors and local community that a high standard of environmental management best practice is embedded in the club's policies and activities.
- Demonstrates that while protecting and enhancing the golf course, the club is adressing resource efficiency and cutting financial costs where possible.
- It will raise member awareness of what goes into good golf course management, raising the self esteem of staff and member respect for the natural assets of the club and the role it plays in the wider environment.
- The certificates indicate a pioneering, forward-looking club endeavouring to continually improve, recognised by outside golfing and environmental organisations.
- Publicity of the certificates by the club, SGEG or other parties will be useful PR for the recipient club, encouraging more visitors numbers and helping to retain and increase member numbers.
- It may also be beneficial for environmental competitions or in seeking grant aid for future projects and initiatives as the certificates are recognised by many funding bodies:

How to Apply:
1) Download 'Scottish Golf Environment Certificates - Procedure and Criteria' to the top left of this page.
2) Contact SGEG for an application form. You can apply for one or more certificates at any time of year.
3) If you meet the criteria, SGEG staff will visit the club to verify your application.
4) Application will be passed onto a SGEG panel member for independent final assessment.
5) Successful clubs will receive a certificate that lasts for 3 years.

Full International Certification
The Scottish Golf Environment Certificates criteria match those of the full international certification programme recently launched by Golf Environment Organisation (GEO).
This ensure clubs can progress onto this level without substantial further work
For further information and how to register contcat us or visit: